Krampus, a film directed in 2015 by Michael Dougherty is a horror comedy where a demon attacks a family a few days before Christmas. It's in that special category of films that aren't terribly disturbing for adults but can make quite a horrifying impression on children aged 8-12. It's easy to compare this to films such as Gremlins, The Gate, Watership Down or Santa with Muscles. While on the whole I enjoy this film, I'm always a bit hesitant to recommend it as eagerly as some of those others I just listed. Krampus leaves me with a bitter taste in my mouth and it's entirely because of how the last 30 seconds of the film contextualise the previous 90 minutes of screen time.
Tuesday, 13 February 2018
My Problem with the Ending to Krampus
Krampus, a film directed in 2015 by Michael Dougherty is a horror comedy where a demon attacks a family a few days before Christmas. It's in that special category of films that aren't terribly disturbing for adults but can make quite a horrifying impression on children aged 8-12. It's easy to compare this to films such as Gremlins, The Gate, Watership Down or Santa with Muscles. While on the whole I enjoy this film, I'm always a bit hesitant to recommend it as eagerly as some of those others I just listed. Krampus leaves me with a bitter taste in my mouth and it's entirely because of how the last 30 seconds of the film contextualise the previous 90 minutes of screen time.
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