Sunday 1 August 2021

Blaugust 2021 Day One: Six Fanagraphs

 On an artist's quiet day on social media they might whip out one of these templates for inspiration. Melissa Capriglione @ con prep on Twitter: "Give me six characters from  popular media to draw! (You're welcome to repost this and ask your  followers to give you something to draw too!

My original plan for today's post is going up tomorrow so I just asked from friends to give me names for me to create word paintings with! Here's a previous example:


Images loaded with text and wonky Google blog sites don't go well together so I'll just write regular paragraphs this time.

Cerberus (Cardcaptor Sakura)

Tomoyo Daidouji is the greatest. She has boundless creative drive, understands how to work a camera and is unrestrained by material limitations. Tomoyo has charisma. Not "is cool and likeable" charisma but "an ability to exert her will on the world". She always finds a way to make her friends serve whatever kink or weird idea she's dreamed up on the day and faces basically no negative consequences for it.

I feel that one some level I always wanted to be Tomoyo, but I'm not. I'm simultaneously too self-conscious of my actions and too loud-mouthed to pull her manipulations off.

 No, I'm kero-chan. I can't shut up, I'm a book of weird knowledge whose accent is questioned by random locals every couple of weeks. I'm not the main character in any community I'm involved in. But I am a key support role. Local game events seem to decline in attendance if I'm not around. Half my social groups don't spend time together if I'm not nagging them. Being a housewife is a somehwat appealing role to me. Hell, I've been in a combination of leave from my day job and working under quarantine conditions and I've received quite a large amount of e-mails suggesting I'm holding some aspects of that workplace together better than when I was hired.

Most importantly: my item organisation skills are just as bad as Cerberus. Pretty sure my Windy's in one of these drawers...

Sirius (Bomberman 64)

Fallen angel. Great betrayer. Father of lies. Totally not a rejected Star Soldier character. But you probably don't know all of this because

1) You don't have the deep Hudson takes that come the more you learn about the PC-Engine

2) Bomberman 64's 100% completion involves some really obnoxious 90s 3D Platformer item hunting despite not being a platformer.

Morte (Planescape Torment)

The great thing about hanging out with a wisecracking floating skull man in the afterlife is it means you aren't reading Chris Avellone's boilerplate scripts he gives most of his female characters. Particularly those written to develop romantic feelings for the player character.

I'm being brief with these now because I'm getting tired and don't want to have to discuss the allegations of sexual assault against Planescape's writer (which do seem to line up with the times he's departed from studios over the years).

MF DOOM (The Kayfabe Persona)

Sorry Hugo, years of the MF Doom Assist pun mean that all I can think of is that time a local Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 player took a huge hit of MDMA then brought a girl from a rave to watch him do TAC infinites on interstaters until midnight. Think they actually did go to another rave after that though.

Daffy Duck (Daffy Duck)

Bugs Bunny is almost always Freud's concept of the Superego operating in a dielectic relationship with beings of id. Daffy is the most powerful of those. It doesn't matter if he's a hooting maniac from the early days or a sarcastic fast-talker from the late 60s. Daffy's always driven by his passions and emotions first. 

But if Daffy and Bugs are dielectic, what is ther synthesis? Who or what is the ego? For Bugs and Elmer it's obvious:they advance gay rights. But Bugs and Daffy? That's not a sexual relationship. It's barely even an antagonistic one. Is our laughter the synthesis of their interactions? Is it to simply listen to a suite by Camille Saint-Saëns? Is it to become characters who have lived so long in a cultural and corporate spotlight that they're just vehicles to advertise other IPs owned by the same Megacorps? The future seems bleak for the aging duck. Maybe all their relationship has produced is more mobsters demanding more golden eggs.

 Man, fiction's depressing. Let's talk about something uplifting next time.

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