Friday 13 August 2021

Watch Me At Shmup Slam 4!

 In the world of Showbiz there's no low you shouldn't stoop to. With that in mind, it's shameless self promotion time.

At 5am on Sunday (SA time) I will be attempting a world record in the 2020 shooter Demonizer!

There's some caveats of course:

  • It's using Snow, the unlockable character built around survival.
  • It's on "Normal" difficulty, the lowest option.

If I were less busy and perpetually exhuasted than I currently am then I would have had enough runs of Hard under my belt to demonstrate that. Even so, this attempt is going to require basically perfect play the entire time. I basically need to kill every enemy (including milking extra spawns on the stage 2 boss), never let one of my extra shot options die (that's a thing in this game), protect every member of the polycule who's in trouble in various stages and collect every item.

I also can't die.

The trickiest parts to watch for are the zombie spawns in stages 4 and 6, the horses that spawn from the bottom in stage 5 and pretty much the whole of stage 7. This is a very back-loaded challenge and I didn't write down enough time for run resets when I submitted the game so this is likely a single do-or-die attempt.

It's easy for me to think that a WR attempt on a lower difficulty isn't a big deal but that requires me to forget the month or so I spent learning the game in the first place. I haven't even mentioned whose score I'm trying to beat in this category!

Persona 4 Boss Theme Here


 This should be an exciting run, though I won't blame any local fans(?) if they watch the VOD later.

For the first day's schedule click here

For the second day click here


I ran good old Fantasy Zone for the last english speaking STG community event. You can find that here. Considering I woke up ten minutes before that run and it was one of those days where I have partial paralysis in my legs, I'm rather happy with that performance.

If I don't write a post tomorrow, it's probably due to some FGC related things. Same for Sunday.

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